You need to register first. Click on "Login" in the top right corner and then on "Sign up". Validate your mail and log in. Click on "Hello, [your first name]" and then on Upload. Upload your file according to the instruction described in "Datasets".
Try to add our email address to your email whitelist: "sea-drones-see@inf.uni-tuebingen.de". Alternatively, you can write an e-mail to "sea-drones-see@inf.uni-tuebingen.de".
Every user is limited to submit 3 predictions per day independent of the task. The counter is reset at midnight (GMT+2).
Similar to the VisDrone dataset, we labeled some “ignore” regions, which indicates regions containing objects that are difficult to be annotated due to low resolution or crowd or are unwanted in the dataset.
Thank you! We are aware of some deficiencies in the provided annotations and are still trying to improve these. We do appreciate all kinds of feedback, so please don’t hesitate to contact us to report any findings.
There is a Github repository for SeaDronesSee. You can find tutorials and evaluation toolkits there.