Rank Institution Model name FPS Hardware PQ PQth PQst RQ SQ F1
1 University of Ljubljana Mask2Former (Swin-B) 4.8 V100 41.7 21.8 94.7 48.5 78.2 71.1
2 University of Ljubljana Mask2Former (Swin-T) 5.4 V100 39.2 18.8 93.7 45.5 72.2 56.7
3 University of Ljubljana Mask2Former (RN-101) 5.7 V100 37.2 16.3 92.8 43.0 71.4 53.2
4 University of Ljubljana Mask2Former (RN-50) 10.6 V100 37.6 17.0 92.4 43.7 71.3 54.9
5 University of Ljubljana MaX-DeepLab (MaX-S) 3.7 V100 31.9 9.5 91.7 36.1 71.3 60.2
6 University of Ljubljana Panoptic Deeplab (RN-50) 6.0 V100 34.7 13.4 91.4 40.3 69.5 64.6
7 University of Ljubljana Panoptic FPN (RN-101) 16.7 V100 38.7 19.7 89.4 45.0 73.6 58.1
8 University of Ljubljana Panoptic FPN (RN-50) 21.7 V100 40.1 21.7 89.3 46.9 73.5 58.9